About Us

Discover who we are and what drives our mission

Who We Are

About Us

In a land of resilient people and rich culture, access to quality healthcare remains a pressing need. At Excellence Development Organization (EDO), we are committed to transforming lives by providing vital medical services and fostering community health.

EDO is dedicated to improving healthcare in Somaliland by delivering essential medical care, supporting health education by conducting regular simulation training for healthcare professionals. 

In the quest to provide quality healthcare to all, collaboration is key. At EDO, we believe that working hand-in-hand with governmental health agencies is vital to achieving our mission

Partnering with governmental health agencies allows us to align our efforts with national health priorities, leverage resources, and create sustainable health solutions for the people of Somaliland.”

Your support amplifies the impact of our partnerships. By donating, you help us expand our joint programs with governmental agencies, reaching more people in need. Engage with us in our advocacy efforts to promote stronger health policies and increased funding for public health initiatives

Our Mission

Excellence Development Organization aims to improve the health and well-being of underserved communities through compassionate healthcare services, education, and advocacy. Our charity is committed to providing accessible, high-quality medical care, promoting health equity, and empowering individuals to lead healthier lives. By collaborating with local communities and healthcare partners, we strive to make a meaningful impact and create sustainable healthcare solutions.

Our Vision

To build a world where every individual has equitable access to comprehensive healthcare services and opportunities for a healthy life. Our charity envisions communities empowered to achieve optimal health outcomes through compassionate care, innovative solutions, and sustainable partnerships. By advocating for health equity and fostering resilience, we strive to create lasting change and inspire a global movement towards healthier societies.”