Surgical project​​

In a landmark initiative, the Excellence Development Organisation (EDO) has embarked on an ambitious surgical project in Somalia, aiming to transform the landscape of medical care in one of the world’s most underserved regions. Recognizing the dire need for improved healthcare infrastructure, EDO has established a cutting-edge surgical facility strategically located to serve both urban and rural communities. This facility is equipped with the latest medical technology and staffed by a team of highly skilled surgeons and healthcare professionals from both local and international backgrounds.

The project addresses a range of critical needs, including emergency and elective surgeries, specialized treatments for complex conditions, and comprehensive post-operative care. By offering these vital services, EDO is significantly reducing the burden of preventable diseases and injuries that have long plagued the Somali population.

In addition to providing immediate medical care, the Excellence Development Organisation is committed to long-term sustainability. The project includes extensive training programs designed to build local capacity, enhancing the skills of Somali healthcare workers and ensuring that they are equipped to maintain high standards of care independently. These training modules cover various aspects of surgical techniques, patient management, and healthcare administration, creating a ripple effect of improved medical practices throughout the region.

Community engagement is a cornerstone of this initiative. EDO has collaborated closely with local leaders, health authorities, and community members to tailor the project to the specific needs of the population. Public health awareness campaigns are also an integral part of the program, educating people about preventative measures and the importance of timely medical intervention.

The Excellence Development Organisation’s surgical project in Somalia is not only a testament to the organization’s commitment to healthcare excellence but also a beacon of hope for a future where high-quality medical care is accessible to all. By addressing both immediate medical needs and fostering local capacity, EDO is laying the groundwork for a healthier, more resilient Somalia.



Salahlay project​

Salahlay is a town located in the Maroodi Jeex region of Somaliland. It is situated in the western part of the country, located about