
Every cause has the power to ignite lasting change

Let's Take Action

Amplify Our Impact Through Your Support

Your support amplifies the impact of our partnerships. By donating, you help us expand our joint programs with governmental agencies, reaching more people in need. Engage with us in our advocacy efforts to promote stronger health policies and increased funding for public health initiatives.

Essential Medical Services

Support our efforts to provide high-quality medical care to underserved communities in Somaliland, ensuring access to essential healthcare services.

Healthcare Professional Training

Fund our simulation training programs for healthcare professionals, enhancing their skills and knowledge to improve patient care and outcomes.

Health Education Programs

Contribute to our health education initiatives, empowering communities with the knowledge to lead healthier lives and prevent diseases.

Surgical Safety Training

Aid in the expansion of our surgical safety training workshops, equipping healthcare workers with the necessary skills to perform surgeries safely and effectively.

Community Health Advocacy

Help us advocate for stronger health policies and increased funding for public health initiatives, promoting health equity and better healthcare access for all.

Infrastructure Development

Support the development and improvement of healthcare infrastructure in Somaliland, creating sustainable and resilient health facilities for future generations.

Words From Partners excels in transparency and impactful support for Somalia. offers a straightforward donation process with clear updates. The site is effective, though I’d love to see more interactive features. Still, I’m happy with the impact and will continue supporting them.

George D. Coffey Jakarta is a solid choice for donating to Somalia. The process is smooth, and the impact reports are informative. More frequent updates would be great, but overall, it’s a trustworthy platform.

Valorie A. Woods Bandung makes donating to Somalia easy and transparent. The site is user-friendly, and I appreciate the detailed updates on how my contributions are used. It’s reassuring to see the real impact of my donations!

Harold K. Grimm Semarang