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Where It All Began


In the realm of healthcare, ensuring safe surgical practices is paramount. EDO and AN-NYA Foundation in partnership with Hargeisa Group Hospital and Hargeisa University, Somaliland are committed to enhancing surgical safety and providing comprehensive training to healthcare professionals.

Safe surgical procedures are essential for saving lives and improving health outcomes. Through our training programs, we aim to equip healthcare workers with the skills and knowledge needed to perform surgeries safely and effectively. Our surgical training workshops provide hands-on experience and up-to-date knowledge on best practices in surgery. We support the hospital implement rigorous safety protocols in healthcare facilities to minimize the risk of complications and infections. Our mentorship programs pair experienced surgeons with trainees to ensure continuous learning and skill development.

Since the inception of our surgical safety initiative, we’ve trained doctors from various specialties including vascular surgeons, orthopedic tics and general surgery. 


Become a Partner

For a Healthier Future

Your support is crucial for expanding our training programs and enhancing surgical safety. By donating, you help us reach more healthcare workers and save more lives. Join us in advocating for better surgical practices and supporting our mission to provide safe and effective surgical care.

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